Monday, June 07, 2010

butterflies and hurricanes

The Great Singapore Sale's finally here!
And us Secondary 4s are busy every weekday from morn till noon,
Toiling away in preparation of the coming GCE "O" Levels.
Well, at least it's only a few more months of hard work till our "Investments" pay off.

But of course we won't be mugging all the while,
Nope, that'll require a feat of superhuman-ness,
We all need some time to recharge our batteries and do our shopping!
[Henceforth, the above totally contradicts itself, just ignore it and smile]

So, here's the first inclusion of my GSS wishlist on my blog which has totally no link to whatever i just said.

1. Skullcandy 50/50 earphones (black/chrome)
I really want this pair of earphones D:
But they're not in Singapore.
But if they were, I'd totally get them,
It has iPhone-supported volume controls and a microphone on it which,
Makes it a lot easier to use.

This blogpost is so epic fail.
But I really felt like posting anyway.

Never has something been so dangerously safe,
And these oxymora we have till date,
Every meaning and second that comes to pass,
Will startle and aonish those who wait